Incorruptible by ZenNavigator Behind the Zine: After a year off, I recently got back into printmaking. It came about in a kind of circuitous manner. After moving back to Texas I started making postcard collages for fictional tourist traps and destinations in the Lone Star State . One thing led to another. This project led me to collaging in general, which led to me buying a bulk set of blank postcards (because I fell in love with the size and format). I made 100 postcards and decided to call my project finished (thinking about it day and night had started giving me migraines), but I still had a big stack of postcards left over. I decided it might be fun to some linocut designs and print them on the postcards, so I bought a bulk order of carving blocks. They sat untouched on the corner of my desk for a few weeks, not sure what to do with them. I have an issue where it's hard for me to work in the moment, creating singular anythings. I can't just write a story for the sake of wri...